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Tips to search field: Author/Ed.
Tips to search field: Title (first words)
Tips to search field: Title (keywords)
Tips to search field: Thesaurus #
Tips to search field: Thes. special list
Tips to search field: Series
Tips to search field: Year
Tips to search field: Language
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Author/Ed. last_name, first_name.
Always truncate (abbreviate) with a period!, A = a, umlauts are permissible, AND = space, OR = semicolon [;]
(For more information see 'Info' under 'Select')
Title (first words) Use the exact first words of the title! for example: "the sex which is." Use a period to truncate! A = a, umlauts are permissible, AND = space, OR = semicolon [;]
(For more information see 'Info' under 'Select')
Title (keywords) Cataloged words appearing in the title. AND = space, OR = semicolon [;], for example: sex one - Note: looking for words also in search categories series, series subtitle, notes
(For more information see 'Info' under 'Select')
Thesaurus # Click on the words in the list to the right or enter the numeric notation directly, for example: 02-1.9, enter names or words with multiple parts in double quotes: "lastname, firstname.", always truncate with a period!
(For more information see 'Info' under 'Select')
Thes. special list IN GERMAN ONLY - Click on the words in the list to the right, always truncate with a period! AND = space, OR = semicolon [;]
(For more information see 'Info' under 'Select')
Series signs or feminist review, truncate with a period, A = a, umlauts are permissible, AND = space, OR = semicolon [;]
(For more information see 'Info' under 'Select')
Year for example: 1995 or -1975 or 2000- or 1995-2000
(For more information see 'Info' under 'Select')
Language Use the index to select a language.
(For more information see 'Info' under 'Select')
Filter Specify the subset(s) you want to include in your search.
To select multiple Filter hold down the <Ctrl> or <Strg> key and then click each subset you want.
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